Tuesday 21 April 2020

SS 10 Lesson Information for This Week

Good morning,

I hope everyone is well,

Before I provide lesson information for this week I wanted to remind you of a couple things:

1.  The Total War inquiry project outline is located under the SS 10 hand-outs tab.

2.  Additional background course information was provided on a post that was shared on April 9th.

Lesson Information for this week:

Preamble: One of the most, if not most important, function of government is to provide safety for its citizens. 

This week we will be looking at the implementation of the War Measures Act by Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau - yes,  that is Justin Trudeau's dad - during the October 1970 October Crisis.

Background information.

From 1930-1970 Quebec would be dramatically transformed.  Quebec would change from being a traditional and relatively backwards province into a modern province with a strong desire for self government.  Many Quebecois grew increasingly frustrated with English speaking dominance over the predominantly French speaking province.  With this,  a new peaceful separatist (wanting to separate from Canada) movement gained popularity in Quebec.  Unfortunately, a more radical and violent movement would also become a reality in Quebec;  The Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) was a terrorist group that kidnapped and murdered in the name of Quebec independence.

The Prime Minister of Canada - Pierre Elliott Trudeau - would make the unprecedented decision to invoke the War Measure Act to increase the power of the federal government, in an attempt to safeguard citizens from a terrorist organization.  Using the War Measures Act would limit civil liberties (your rights) because the government could do things like arrest you and put you in jail for 90 days without pressing charges.  It was a very controversial move by a government during times of peace!

So here is what you need to do this week:

Go to the SS 10 Handouts tab
1. Go over Quebec Nationalism PP
2. Complete October Crisis questions

Go to the SS 10 Videos tab
3.  Complete a New/ interesting chart while watching October Crisis video


4.  Watch the "W5 October Crisis 50 Years Later" video.  Answer the following question:
Who was the FLQ and what did they want?

5.  Complete a Surprising/Interesting/Troubling chart while watching Pierre Trudeau -"Just watch me"

Surprising Interesting Troubling

6.  Answer the following short answer.
Do you think Pierre Trudeau was justified to use the War Measures Act during the FLQ crisis?

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