Tuesday 28 April 2020

SS 10 Information For The Week.

Lets start with some good news:  Due to the need to explore topics in greater detail the project will now be DUE ON MAY 12.

This additional time will allow us to hold a MS Teams meeting on Wednesday May 6th at 11:30

A reminder that if you have any questions, I am happy to have a chat either via email or now through MS Teams.  Feel free to reach out.

Note: Please start by printing the COVID 19 assignment located at under the SS10 handouts side tab.

This week we are going to focus on the unprecedented measures taken by the government of Canada to deal with COVID 19.  You will hopefully understand that the Government has done a lot. Please
have a look at the following website:


Justin Trudeau has taken the extreme measure of introducing something called the Emergencies Act.
Please have a look at the following article


As you know, the everyday lives of individuals have been impacted in so many different ways.  Please see the following:


Overwhelmingly, Canadians have responded positively to the security measures introduced by the government.   Most Canadians have willingly agreed to things like social distancing and travel restrictions.  However, there are a growing number of Canadians who feel that the government is overstepping its authority and infringing on civil liberties.  Many people want to "open up" the economy again.  This is particularly true in the United States where many "lockdown protests" have taken place.  Please watch the following videos:




Go to the following link or the  SS10 tab and complete the Covid 19 Assignment.



Let me know if you have any questions 

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